Celebrating all Achievements

Did anyone else have weekly Celebration assemblies at Primary School?

With lots of people involved with homeschooling, it got me thinking...…

The general consensus I have heard, is that it is pretty tough.

Combining school work with ‘work work’ is a juggle and entertaining the children when you have deadlines has been a tad too much.

So here is a little ‘Pat on the Back’ for working through lockdown.

Maybe even an incentive for future targets?


Has PE with Joe Wicks been on your tele?

When the phrase ‘my daily walk’ came into a few conversations, I knew the fitness in lockdown was an actual thing people were doing.

Whether you have taken part in the ‘couch to 5k’ or some other moving motion! I salute you!


Do you have a Star Baker at home?

Of course homeschooling has not just been the typical subjects.

People have been in the kitchen, cooking up new recipes - maybe for the first time.

Whether it’s their first batch of Flapjack, or their 100th go at Banana Bread - mark it with a Certificate that can grace the fridge and remind them of their achievements over lockdown.


You’re never too old!

Certificates do NOT have an age limit, and no matter what the occasion, if someone hands me a piece of card with my name on, I feel all excited to show someone/anyone what I got!

So whether someone you know has learnt a new skill over lockdown, or achieved a personal best, this is for them! (or for you to send to them!)
